Find a Nursery
For an interactive map, including addresses and discount amounts for these businesses and others across Nova Scotia, visit the NSAGC map of Nurseries across Nova Scotia.
Below is a list of businesses in Kings County and surrounding Annapolis and Hants Counties that offer discounts to members.
For a detailed list of Horticultural Associations and Organizations, Public Gardens, and other Garden Resources, please visit the NSAGC website.
Nova Scotia Seed Companies

Seed Companies
outside Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia
Invasive Species Council
The Nova Scotia Invasive Species Council (NSISC) is a collaborative, volunteer-based group of individuals and organizations with representation from academia, government, and non-government organizations. Their main objective is to raise awareness and promote a coordinated response to the threat of invasive species in Nova Scotia. They have created a Grow Me Instead Guide which highlights some common invasive species used in gardens and offers native or non-invasive alternatives.
For more information visit their website