Valley Gardeners Club


Pat Mora

Pat's gardening journey began in 2007, when her family established a large, front-yard flower garden. Once the garden began to fill in, she became curious about growing food, and so started a backyard vegetable garden. Pat is passionate about food, and loves trying out new vegetables and varieties. Pat joined the Valley Gardeners Club a few years ago, and has enjoyed learning from the diverse interests and experiences of our members and speakers.

Lesley Winter
Programming Chair

Lesley spent her adult life helping family tend their gardens and then helped create edible spaces in an urban community in Montreal. Lesley now lives on a beautiful property with lovely gardens, and loves to learn and experiment. Longtime members Barry and Elizabeth Yoell encouraged her to join the Valley Gardeners Club, and shortly thereafter Lesley became the Programming Chair. It has been a great way of getting to know the community and all the wisdom that surrounds us.

Karen Marsh
Communications Chair

Karen grew up in the Valley and after living away for a number of years, returned to the area in 2019. She enjoys developing her property with trees, shrubs and flowers, fruit trees, and veggies. Her favorite however is peonies! Karen joined the VGC in 2023 and enjoys learning from the other members and speakers. Always wanting to learn more, Karen is currently enrolled in the Atlantic Master Gardener program.

Susan Taylor

Sue's love of gardening began over 40 years ago in Ottawa. She joined the Nepean Horticultural Society, where she learned and expanded her gardening knowledge. Sue grew up on a farm near Bridgetown, and now lives in Port Williams. Upon her arrival, she joined the Valley Gardeners Club. Joy! Sue has expanded her interest to native Nova Scotian plants and creating pollinator gardens.

Annette Wray

Since moving to Nova Scotia with her husband three years ago from a small city property to a larger town space, Annette has enjoyed meeting new people at the Valley Gardeners Club, sharing ideas, and refurbishing her yard and garden. Her favourite flowers are the traditional ones like zinnias, marigolds, and petunias, and come spring she has hundreds of bulbs blooming. Annette also grows her own strawberries, rhubarb, and veggies!